Leave a Legacy
PLanned giving
Legacy Gift
One simple way to help is to name The Master Chorale of Tampa Bay as a beneficiary in your legacy agreement. A bequest provision in your will or trust will allow you to make a major gift to a fund which can benefit us by way of an endowed or direct gift. We work with Community Foundation of Tampa Bay and can provide you with a complimentary legacy fund agreement.
Arrange for a one-time or recurring grant from a donor advised fund or foundation of which you are affiliated.
Memorials and Honorariums
Endowed gifts may be made to The Master Chorale of Tampa Bay in memory of, or in honor of a special person in your life.
Appreciated Securities
Gifts of appreciated securities (stocks, bonds, and mutual funds) may allow you a deduction for the current market value on the date of the gift and potentially avoid capital gains tax.
Our transfer instructions are provided upon request. These instructions should be forwarded to your brokerage firm for transfer.
Real Estate
Gifts of real estate will allow you to receive the maximum tax deduction allowed by law, bypass capital gains tax, provide you with an opportunity to establish a gift that provides an income for life, and make a significant donation.
Life Insurance
By designating The Master Chorale of Tampa Bay or your legacy fund as beneficiary of your policy, you can make a gift to our organization. Or, transfer the ownership of the cash value of a life insurance policy.
Charitable Gift Annuities
A charitable gift annuity can provide payments to you for life and then support The Master Chorale of Tampa Bay. We work with Community Foundation of Tampa Bay to offer annuities. Ask us to see an illustration specific to your desires.
For more information on Planned Giving for The Master Chorale of Tampa Bay,
please contact Nate Hettinger, Executive Director, 813.355.9079 or email at nate@masterchorale.com